Search in the trademark database
Each company seeks to develop and expand its geography. Trademark registration is a new stage of enterprise positioning in the market. The trademark must be different from other, already known signs. To identify possible similarities and matches, there is a search service for trademarks in the databases of both registered trademarks and applications filed for registration. The main purpose of this search service is to reduce the risk of refusal to register a trademark. This check allows you to save money and not lose time.
Only in our country almost 700 thousand trademarks are registered, so the risks are that your mark may have similarity with a trademark, the exclusive right to which belongs to another person, is quite high. We strongly recommend searching for trademarks in databases before submitting an application for registration. This will help reduce the risk of a refusal decision of state expertise on the application for registration of your trademark. But some clients prefer to save at this stage, preferring offers on free search. What can it threaten? The basic rule of a free search, so that you will not be told, “Free, so no one is really responsible for anything in front of you”. And consequently, why should the client notify the client that there is a reason for the refusal of registration and it does not make sense to file for the registration of a trademark and thereby lose money if the refusal comes only after a year. After all, if you behave in good faith, you must refuse to submit 8 applications out of 10, i.e. in fact, they will lose 80% of the revenue, and if they didn’t take anything from the client, they don’t have to do anything. Remember that the RF Patent Office does not provide free access to trademark search engines, so ask yourself the question “Why would anyone pay for you?”
With the increase in the cost of access to the official trademark databases, we abandoned free searches, because verification is in reality very time consuming, requires serious experience and cash costs. We advise you to seek help from our experts. We will help you identify all possible similarities, which will save you time and money.