Inventions and utility models
Intellectual property is very important for successful business. More than 20 years we have been helping Russian and foreign companies protect this value. We are a team of certified at the Patent Office patent attorneys The Russian Federation and professionals of a high class. Our experience and competence enable you to develop optimal strategies for the protection of the results of intellectual activity, as well as on the registration and protection means of individualization. We are proud to say-we have over 2500 registered trademarks and more than 400 received industrial property patents. clients of our agency successfully develop and promote your business, including the fact that we are sure that their intellectual property is protected.
Inventions and utility models
World history than once demonstrated that keep any technology secrecy is almost impossible in the era of globalization. Once you make progress in a certain area, then immediately your competitors might try to get hold of information about the development and use of technological solutions in their interests. Even worse-patent them on myself.
Worldwide patenting provides protection of intellectual activity results from use by unscrupulous competitors. patent opens up many possibilities, and his absence may result in the most negative consequences. In Russia, the question of legal protection of intellectual property is particularly acute because it is not uncommon for developers, not in time to patent their own inventions, forced to stop production and to pay the fines. All because their competitors were much faster. Agree, unpleasant be liable for the use of his invention.
- One of the main objectives of patenting to prohibit other persons to sell or manufacture products,dfalling under theeffect of a patentand in this case,crucial time to save the world novelty development and ensure its legal protection, it is important to complete documents application onobtaining a patent.
- Another function of the patent-licensing document allows the developer to produce or sell goods based on technical solutions, as well asto issue licences for the use of this technical solution other persons. However, the scope of the exclusive rights under the patent shall be determined by the formula of the invention or utility model, patent quality depends on. What is important here is that the formula was a professional in the field of patent right, otherwise the competitors could easily circumvent.
Therefore, if you receive exclusive rights to a patented object, you receive the following:
– protection against unfair competition, any attempt by competitors to use your solution will be punishable by law;
– patent becomes same important business asset, as current assets or real estate;
-Patent-eyour value, competitive advantage, it isour money,to both in addition to competitive advantage, you can count on royalties from the order exclusive rights ofAmi.
The question is exactly how to protect an invention or utility model? How to properly develop the formula and how to prove the patentability? To understand it you will be specialists in the field of patent law, in addition to a patent, technical education.
Inautomatic take into account the factthat legal protection for an invention is received only by those technical solutionsthat match the following criteria of patentability:
– novelty
-inventive step
-industrial applicability
If the design does not meet the requirement of “inventive step”, but is “new” and relates to constructive solutions (i.e. a device), the alternative to a patent for an invention may be a patent for utility model.
Patent for utility model does not restrict the developer opportunities. the same Authority that the holder of the invention. The only difference in the term of validity of the patent, the patent for invention 20 years may act, patent for utility model is 10 years .
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