Promise of 100% trademark registration
Patent attorneys who have experience in registering trademarks will never promise a 100% positive decision of the state examination on an application filed with Rospatent. The promise of a one hundred percent guarantee usually comes from companies that bring patent services to the market, but do not have sufficient experience and do not intend to carry out this activity for a long time. Usually these companies promise what the customer would like to hear. It should be borne in mind that the period of state examination of an application for registration of a trademark is at least 8 months, in other cases it reaches 12 months or more, and you need to be sure that after this time has passed, the company that you entrusted with the work of registering a trademark will exist.
One of the risks that does not allow us to guarantee a 100% positive decision of the state examination on the application submitted is that, according to international agreements, Rospatent may receive an application from an applicant from another state, which may be a priority, since it will not be considered the date of its receipt by Rospatent, and the date of filing with its national patent office. It is not possible to identify such an application when searching the database of applications previously filed with Rospatent.